Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Running... Maybe and Swimsuits

Sometimes when I am trying to think about something to blog about, I feel like I need to make some sort of great announcement like..."I cured world hunger"....or "over the weekend, I ran 60 miles." Sorry....none of that here. At least for this past weekend.
I did get to spend an afternoon hiking with my mom on Sunday. That was followed by Red Mango frozen yogurt (try it NOW), chips and homemade queso and dinner. We also squeezed in some 49ers vs. Giants action. I secretly wanted the Giants to win (who doesn't love cute little Eli?!)...but mostly I was thinking about being on a huge boat in the middle of the Caribbean two weeks from that moment watching the Superbowl.
I cannot wait to run away with my husband (and in-laws), catch a flight, and grab a foo-foo drink. This is a place where work does not matter. I take a break from running. My biggest daily decision involves pink? black? or yellow bikini?
I'll stop now before you throw rotten tomatoes at me.
Another secret. I went running on Monday. It wasn't perfect, but it wasn't bad. No pain in the Achilles, but I had some in the quad. It was only 3.5 miles, but it felt great to be back on the road. The running group is tackling 12 this Saturday. I'm going along, but bringing my iPhone in case I become roadkill and need a knight in a shining 4-Runner to pick me up.
On that note...I forced myself to rest yesterday and again today. IT STINKS and I hate it, but find it necessary. I plan to run every day for the rest of the I must take this time off. Lord please great me the patience to get through another day of work without my exercise release...
Did you watch Biggest Loser last night? Don't tell me anything!! I had to go to bed before it came on....heard it was a good one--


  1. A)I love Red Mango!
    B)I do the same thing when I'm trying to think of a blog topic--and more often than not, the easy-peasy thrown together posts about something I read in a magazine are ALWAYS the ones that everyone loves! My most read post-to-date is one that I wrote in a fit of anger in approx. 2.5 minutes!
    C) I didn't get to watch BL cause of the State of the Union...did it come on afterwards at like 9? That's way past my bedtime :)

    1. Fit of anger writing is the very best!! :) I guess BL started at 9? IDK...I was sleeping as well!!

  2. I really like Red Mango too! The last time I had it was the night I wrecked my car though...

  3. HAHA....i should say a prayer for everyone ELSE when i can't do my exercise routine. ;) jk.

    so great tho that at least that last run felt okay, that's the thing with tendon issues, they can crop up unannounced but then leave just the do all u can to treat it then roll with any good news when u can! ;)

    oh, and i'm sorry, but eating mango fro-yo...dude, open with that announcement cuz it's totally on par with ending world hunger. ;) jk

    1. Cait, you are so funny!! I should have opened with the fro-yo for sure. It ended my hunger!!!
      I am keeping the fingers crossed for the run tonight!!

  4. Sounds like a perfect weekend: hiking, yummy food, and football!

    Great job with your run! Good luck on your long run this weekend!

  5. Sounds fabulous. You made your own queso? as in cheese or a dip? Either way- sounds yum!

    I had a rest day yesterday too which I took very begrudingly. You're right though, they are necessary in order to run better later :)

    1. It is a dip-- and we do make our own!! I am so addicted to it! Nothing like fake cheese melted and covering a salty tortilla chip. :)
