Friday, April 6, 2012


I am beginning this post at 3:18 Friday morning....I am trying to prevent a faceplant into my keyboard as I slosh my way through my second night shift after six months of working days. I am not complaining, just merely commenting on the necessity for toothpicks to hold my eyes open. Anyone?

Not that anything can replace running. I've said that already. Crap. Anyway. Not that anything can replace running, but I have a crush on physical therapy. I love going there. We talk about running for an hour. At any given moment, there are three people working on my leg. Massaging. Asking questions. Icing. Stretching. Asking if I would like my drink on the rocks or blended. You're right. They don't serve drinks there. I know I've already told you all of this about PT. Sorry. Something I haven't told of my therapists says that we might try running in two weeks. Backflips.

Ice. Stretch. Sleep. Overdose on coffee= liferightnow.

I just balanced our checkbook and paid all the bills. Now I want to slam my face into the keyboard on purpose. I joke. Really, I feel so blessed to have both of us working and all our bills paid with a little (sometimes teeny tiny) bit left over. Some people are not so blessed. The Lord has always provided for me. NEVER have I gone without or even close to. Worry about nothing. Pray about everything.

Well, I made it to 3:33.

Anyone ever worked a nightshift?
ME!! I have. :)

What do you do for a living?
I am a police/fire/ems 911 dispatcher


  1. Yes, about half my shifts are 7pm to's TOUGH stuff!!!!!!!

    1. Oh the 7 to 7!! That's a hard one. Do you have strange days off too?

    2. I only work three days per week, and it's different days each week...half nights/half days.

      Tappan injured his achilles in the fall of 2010 and it is STILL bothering him........!

  2. I was thinking of how blessed we are. I always give thanks for being able to pay all of our bills and it's such a great reminder that He give us all of our needs. We may not have all of our "wants", but that's ok. I am a WAHM, I do the books for our painting business and am a part time realtor.

  3. Never worked a night shift- good on you, because I imagine it would be very hard. I am looking for a job right now- job hunting sucks though.

    Yay for you possibly running soon. Fingers crossed! :)

  4. I am an ER Social Worker. We have coverage 24/7 here and I think we are the only hospital around here that does. Anyway, I am typically a day shifter (7a-7p), but do pick up the occasional night shift. 4am is the worst!

    Hope to see you back up and running in a couple weeks!

    1. Thanks Lisa!! What a neat position you have. Sounds interesting.

  5. I've never worked night shift but my mom is a nurse and she has and it's brutal watching her try to function. She has a hard time sleeping during the day and often she would be so tired for her next shift that my dad would drive her to work and pick her up the next morning. I really admire you for your job. I know that can't be easy!
